Spanish Smile God Loves You Stickers (5-Stickers) - Children Ministries Spanish Variety Stickers
Spanish Smile God Loves You Stickers (5-Stickers) - Children Ministries Spanish Variety Stickers
Spanish Smile God Loves You Stickers (5-Stickers) - Children Ministries Spanish Variety Stickers
Spanish Smile God Loves You Stickers (5-Stickers) - Children Ministries Spanish Variety Stickers

Spanish Smile God Loves You Stickers (5-Stickers) - Children Ministries Spanish Variety Stickers

Regular price $ 9.99 $ 0.00
  • NEWEIGHTS SPANISH SMILE GOD LOVES YOU - 12 uniquely designed stickers. Individual Sticker Size: 2.1x2.0 inches. Designs include Scripture texts: ­Sonr¡e, Dios te ama, Jes£s te ama, Conf¡a en el Se¤or, Soy un hijo de Dios, Dios es capaz, Jes£s salva, Jes£s es mi salvador, Camina con JES?S, Conf¡e plenamente en Dios Isa¡as 26:4, Nosotros pertenecemos a Jes£s, ­Se fuerte y valiente! Josu‚ 1:9, Jes£s siempre estar  contigo. Great reminder for yourself or others and very useful witnessing tool.
  • PREMIUM QUALITY. Stickers are made from quality materials and they are self-adhesive and comes in 5 sheets.
  • SAFE FOR CHILDREN. Stickers contain no acid or lignin. Long lasting and perfect for scrapbooking and Sunday schools!
  • GREAT INSPIRATIONAL AND ENCOURAGING GIFT IDEA. Stickers are a great gift for any loved one or friends.
  • MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. This item comes with a 60 days money back guarantee.


Spanish Smile God Loves You Stickers (5-Stickers)

12 inspirational bible verses stickers designed to encourage, uplift and inspire.

iSonrie, Dios te ama!

Jesus te ama 

Confia en el Senor

Soy un Hijo de Dios Juan 1:12.

Dios es capaz  

Jesus salva

Jesus es mi Salvador

Camina con JESUS

Confie plenamente en Dios Isaias 28:4

Nosotros pertenecemos a Jesus 

iSe Fuerte y Valiente! Josue 1:9

Jesus siempre estara contigo

These stickers are perfect for giveaways, behavior incentives, prizes, Sunday schools and bible studies! These stickers are acid-free, non toxic, and safe for use on photos.

Encourage yourself and your loved ones with this assortment of unique cool NewEights stickers!

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