Charis Kid Diaper Changing Pad
While many locations have joined the modern world by providing changing areas or tables, many places still have not, and often, those that are available are less than clean or just not something that you would want your most precious love coming into contact with. The solution seems simple, carry a portable Diaper Changing Pad with you – expect many of the Diaper Pads available on the market today lack padding, space and storage. At Charis Kid, we recognize these fundamental difficulties and have created the Charis Kid Diaper Changing Pad to meet that challenge. Made of attractive, easy...
Charis Kid Burp Cloths
baby care burp bibs burp cloths charis kid feeding
Though everyone has different ways of raising kids and philosophies about the ‘things’ that are really needed for newborns, when it comes to indispensable baby items there are a few things that seem to be on everyone’s list; diapers of some kind, wipes, blankets and burp cloths. Some first timers think that washcloths or blankets can serve double duty as burp cloths, until that 3am spit up happens in the dark and the blanket is conveniently wrapped around the babe, or when an afternoon outing turns messy when a feed goes sour and there is not a washcloth in...
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